Thursday, February 11, 2010

Secrets Farmville - Farmville Farm Equipment worth the price?

Secrets Farmville

When you start the first time in Farmville, you have no choice but to plant, harvest, plow and the hand. As your business expands and advances to the next level, but you will have the opportunity to buy some farm machinery, providing faster farming. This certainly sounds like a sensible thing to do, but before you head and buy all types of equipment (collection, direct seeding) plow, it is better to sit down and prepare to be taken when all these elements actuallyworth costs in the long run.

Purchase price of basic

The first thing that is important to note that farm machinery is not cheap. Each of the pieces of equipment are available to walk 30,000 coins. Which is a nice little 'cash, and you must ensure that the Buy a seeder, for example, do not leave without the money for the seeds you want to buy plants.

Also, you will probably be able to buy all three pieces of equipment at once (for reasons of priceand also because they are at different levels) are available. For this reason, it is important, however, that the machine actually used to purchase more and check first. There's nothing wrong with the purchase of these vehicles, the local weather to good use.

Fuel costs

Something has to be taken into account when considering the purchase of some heavy agricultural machinery, is that the cost is not necessarily the total cost of the machine. DependingSize, who are your fuel rather quickly with this heavy machinery - especially if you have more than one device.

If your business is bigger than that, what can your machines on a single tank, cover then you have to consider the merits of the purchase of more fuel. These mines are located in various sizes, ranging from a single tank of about fifty of them, but you can only buy farm cash. Why cash Farmville can get quite difficult to get refillsterribly expensive fast.

If the patient can expect to fill the tank once again alone. It costs you nothing, not even really long time. But if you tend to be a big farm, you can wait annoying quickly fill your fuel first farm machinery can be used again.

Staggered installations

One way to overcome this problem, a variety of cultures that sow all grow at different speeds. In this way, you do not have to plow,Plants, and the collection of your entire operation at once. As long as your equipment enough time between operations that supply to give of himself, you'll never spend a penny on fuel. The only trick to this system is guaranteed not to miss if you have had with them, just because you do not have any fuel as. And the best way to ensure that did not happen to plan the planting well.

1 comment:

  1. Could you please tell mehow you got the small round bushes(green)? I don't see them in the
    " Market " on Farmville. Thanks,John


Farmville Secrets Books