Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Farmville Secret Tips - how to become the Best in Farmer Farmville

Everyone wants to be better than anyone else in Farmville. The problem is that everyone has the same tips and tricks and grow crops more you know a lot of tricks and collected properly.

Cultivate some crops for a long time, others are quickly and with the methods from the moment you begin to make a difference. The following strategies can make a difference for you.

Agricultural buildings.

Their company is no longerjust give more space to grow more corn, but you can not do it once. The trick to expand your business is to have neighbors. Without this we can not at all.

At this point, many people are scratching their heads wondering where they are getting from the neighbors. A place to do this is becoming a forum Farmville and ask people to your neighbors.


One of the most important for your business is bigger with the purchase of buildings. BuyBuildings is the best way to gain valuable experience points worth Farmville.

If you buy a building you must ensure that you understand how cash Farmville and how to attack. It is not good to spend all your money for the construction and then discover that they have enough for the crops. If you buy something, the most important thing to do, you're pretty safe for your plants, otherwise it is not possible in all farms.

Points will help you to be up to the highestLevels Farmville. Leveling fast is essential if you want to win. Allows to reach higher levels for better crops, buildings and animals become available.


When it starts its life can you buy the right crops. It is not good for my slow growing plants, if you are on your account, all the time and wants to see quick profits. Know what is growing there are only a small part of being a success Farmville.

You must also knowcrop that will give you a better return on your medal Farmville. Before even thinking about planting a crop, you must first understand how many times you can Farmville your account during the day or a week's access.

If you have a plant that grows quickly, and you're not here to die, then collect. Similarly, if you have a slow harvest and you have to wait to sit at the computer all day, something happened that you are wasting time.

Be sure to choose the correctHarvest for the time you are in Farmville.

These are just a few tips to get you from Farmville and always good really quick help. This will help you quickly get before anyone else and promotion to the next level.

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