Farmville Hello fans! Since you're reading this, I assume that you are dead serious about your skills and Farmville are trying to improve your performance. Which is great, and I'm sure you're on your way to reading this article.I 'I've heard people say that Farmville is a simple game to play, and my answer is yes, but only at beginner level. However, if you want to join the ranks of the big boys and girls, then it is not easy at all. You'll need all the insights, tips, tricks, techniques and secrets that you can muster in order to excel in game.o. Farmville Farmville following have written the secrets that you should start. I have a lot more. If you like the secrets below, so please visit my website Farmville clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.FarmVille Secret number 1: Identify and get the best can get CropsYou Farmville, Farmville many plants and crops harvested. However, not every culture is the same. To get the best bang for the buck, you need to know which crops are best and how to get them. To determine which crops are best, you must take the following parameters:
The cost of seed harvest Farmville (for example, 85 coins for grapes vs 220 coins for asparagus)
The selling price (eg 381 vs. 173 for peas coins coins for the tomatoes)
The time required for the crop to be ready (for some time sowing to harvest time, eg 1 hour for the grapes, asparagus vs 16 hours)
The XP for culture (eg tomatoes and 1 XP for cane sugar, 2 xp for asparagus and grapes, peas and 3 for XP)
After taking all these factors into account, we estimate that you get the most bang for the buck for crops in the following order (best to least useful):
Sugar Cane
Please note that you may have to pay for plowing the crops so that the profit will go down the fast-growing crops such as grapes and peas, as compared to slower asparagus.Also crops, some crops can not grow up to reach at least Level 19 in Farmville. Moreover, the days are only 23 hours long in Farmville, so the day does not correspond exactly to the day Farmville. You have to keep in mind to judge exactly when you need to be online and when you may be able to plow new spaces for the creation of new plots.FarmVille Secret Number 2: Identify and get the best Farmville TreesTrees take a long time between planting and harvest time, so you do not earn much of their growth. However, they have a particular advantage that small farmers do not have: not wither. Moreover, they do not need plowing, and do not need replanting.Olive trees, date trees, banana and pomegranate trees can be purchased as a gift, while cash costs of 27 Farmville plant a tree Acai. The income varies, with 69 coins for the trees to date compared to 158 coins for acai trees. Also, it only takes 2 days to collect acai berries compared to 5 days for pomegranates.FarmVille Secret # 3: Hitting the ground running in Farmville A lot of new players in Farmville find it very difficult to get started. Farmville are discouraging because it takes money, time and a lot of concentration to begin in Farmville. Use the following trick should be easier to start in order to launch fast-growing crops and move along faster in FarmVille.The first thing you should ask is how often you log into the game, and for how long. These are completely different, and both of these aspects help to decide which crops they should grow and what techniques should you start playing use.When Farmville, have been assigned six square plots, two that are half grown, and two with eggplant and strawberries. You are also given 200 coins. After harvesting the first crops, you end up with 323 coins.This trick will help you to exchange coins for XP so you will not have any land left, and will also help those who are at a high level, but do not have enough fields to work .
Start with 10 or 11 pieces of land that are either plowed or fallow. Whatever you do, make sure you start with this amount of land.
Calculate how much money you need to plant anything you want to collect (see secrets one and two).
Plowing all your 10 or 11 pitches - will need exactly 150 coins to till the land.
Buy soy to plant and plant them in all 10 plots. You will need another 150 coins to plant soybeans.
With only planting and plowing, you just earned 30 points.
After sowing of soybean, eliminating fees to cancel your instrument.
Now you will be able to start all over again.
Repeat this all over again several times.
This allows for almost unlimited XP only cost 10 coins for XP, while doing nothing about your company.
After repeating this several times, something of real value system (see secrets one and two above), and turn off your computer
The day after harvest, this crop is possible to get more money and enough to continue to use this trick XP.
Good luck with these secrets Farmville .......