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Monday, December 28, 2009
Farmville Guides : Trees / Plants
Plants can be purchased (eg. The tree of cherries, oranges, apples, etc. ..) or gifts (other than those already mentioned, that of figs, avocado, apricot tree, of grapefruit, bananas, passion fruit and pomegranate, etc.).. Each has its own time to ripen the fruit, once ripe you can collect and sell, and the plant will continue to live by producing fruit.
It must be mentioned that the profit of the plants is not very high indeed, and it takes a few days to get the fruit ripe, then you should take someone (for beauty) but without taking up space that could plow and cultivate with more gain.
FArmville Guides: Sowing
The seeds are the most useful resource in the game.
At first you do not have much money, so the important thing is to choose well what to plant and calculate the time for the harvest, when you go to buy the seeds you can read various details: cost, time to mature, it you can sell the crop when ready. If you have much time to devote to the game, blueberries, at least initially, are the best choice because, potendoli gather after only 4 hours, allowing many to earn money and experience points (in just 8 hours they earn experience points for 6 each field: 2 for the double plowing and 4 for the double seed). Then you will have more money available, which will be invested primarily for seeds with a high purchase price but also with a good speed to maturity (Of course, if one day you can not connect, it should grow from a seed one day instead of the blueberries that after 4 hours and would be ready after 8 already withered. Yeah! crop wilts and goes irretrievably lost unless you collect it in time. The time of drying is twice as long to grow. Example: pumpkins are ready after 8 hours and after another 8 hours wither. We calculate good time!
Farmville sowing guide
Farmville Guides : Gifts
Going on "Free Gift", you can make gifts to friends. At first only be available some plants and animals, then, as you level up, it unlocks other, for this may happen that someone has friends among the trees and animals that you do not have among their gifts.
As one of the gifts that you can receive there are plants, animals and structures that can be purchased (at great cost) and some that are not available to purchase, you should be doing lots of presents from friends. It 'a good idea to give something in turn to receive a gift in return, you can also make them agree and make real organized exchanges. As in other games, from here you can see that you have more friends the better, there is the usual technique of adding friends to the event by registering in groups prepared for the thing but, given the constraints of privacy of Facebook, if you add and away many people in a short time you will have problems and their place in board will be deleted (it happened to me for another game), then do not recommend this "technique" .. not worth the candle. To make gifts directly to the person you can also click below and then in the envi menu item that appears.
Farmville Guides Here!
Farmville Guides: What is Ribbon ?
The ribbons are ribbons of recognition that are assigned to achieve a certain goal. For each goal there are 4 ribbons to be obtained: Yellow Ribbon, White Ribbon, Red Ribbon and Blue Ribbon. For each rosette obtained is given a reward of experience points and cash or in gifts (trees, decorative objects, structures, etc. ..).
There are 15 possible targets with which to confront and the number N varies by level:
Farmville Guides: What is Ribbon ?
Local Celebrity: You must have N neighbors;
Good Samaritan: N must help his friends;
High Roller: you must earn coins N;
A Pretty Penny: you have to spend to market coins N;
Cream of the Crop: you have to collect N sowing;
Knock On Wood: you reap the benefits from N trees;
Zoologist: you have to collect the products from N animals;
Architect: you have NO development;
Rat Pack, you'll need N decorations;
Animal Shelter: you must take N lost animals;
Shutterbug: you must take pictures to N different farms;
Green Thumb: you must collect different sowing N;
Tree Hugger: you reap the benefits from N different trees;
Noah's Ark, you'll need N different animals;
Not Spoiled, Gifted: You must take the box of gifts other than gifts NO.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Farmville Guide: Farmville Market
Frmville market (market) you can buy seeds, trees, animals, construction, decoration and you can access to "expand farm". For every purchase, you get experience points which vary by subject
Guide to Farmville
Farmville is the new free game developed by Zynga on Facebook where you have to test their "green thumb" for everyone, a game that is very satisfying after a short time, by adopting simple little trick tricks. You start with 6 fields and a small hoard of coins to get it an entire farm full of crops, animals and buildings. In the game as in reality, in Farmville we plow the land, to buy and sow the seeds, wait for it to complete their maturation and, finally, collect fruits and vegetables, you can sell to earn the money necessary to proceed in the game . The possible actions are many: to increase the number of fields, always buy new seeds in the market, buy animals, trees and structures typical of the farm but also interact with their friends, "neighbors of the farm," a free exchange gifts and help keep clean their fields in exchange for some money and experience points (driving away any birds from the ground, raising the nettles and collecting the leaves). A game in contact with the virtual nature, which is actively involved with the character that you can customize and that will grow as profitable as possible its Farmville, the game is still in beta so the article will be constantly updated in case of change / addition of new features.
Farmville is the Greatest game on Facebook!

Farmville is the Greatest game on Facebook!
Farmville undoubtedly the most played game this winter, is free and is played on Facebook! E 'was created in June by imitating (perhaps too!) Analog Farm Town after a few weeks and already had many members, thanks to the successful co-op mode. But how does Farmville? Remember how to set the good old Sim City, or you have to create something and expect it to grow to be able to then create yet ... all only end in itself! In this case, here it is ... to plant the garden and build a farm! Phases of Farmville game are simple, essentially it is to earn money to buy seeds, animals, trees and buildings for their farm. Let's see how to make money in Farmville:
Sow vegetables, wait for them to grow and then pick them: each seed has its time of growth, its cost and its profit. Warning! If you neglect your farm, the vegetables rot and lose your investment! The maximum time for picking is equal to the time of growth, or whether a seed can take 4 hours to grow, the need to collect a maximum after 8 hours, or at most after 4 which has grown from 100%
Periodically collecting the fruits of the trees and milking animals.
Helping neighbors: that is the showpiece of Farmville! You can help your FaceBook friends participating in the game, the help is simple and semi-automatic, and earns a few dollars. Communication and a friend will be invited to do the same on your garden.
Receiving gifts from friends: an animal or a tree a day from every friend, not bad! But to receive, you must also give you, all help to put on a real "consortium" ...!
Connecting to the game every 24 hours, you will receive a prize from the "lottery".
Paying real money: Ouch, but then someone will do it well, too, thought the program ...
Using the tricks: it seems to exist, but we do not recommend using cheat for Farmville, because the game does not make sense!
To play, you must of course be joined Facebook FArmville (but who is not?), Remember that the game is now still in beta version and some things do not work, is also available in English only, but easy to understand!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Farmville Tips: How to make money fast
How to Makemoney with Farmville is now easier with these video tutorials. Give it a look and let me know if it works!
Blacksheep bot to Farmville (Make up)
Blacksheep is a new bot to Farmville, discovered by by very few hours, which will help you in the air, to sow, and gather in an automated way.
He will do everything for you. Just set it and we will explain how:
1) Start Blacksheep
2) Set the size of the field. You will have a grid by matching with the ground (watch the video)
3) Now select the area you want to plow and make it cultivable.
4) Click on the tool PLOW and set the first box of the field to Blacksheep bot (set the first field)
5) When Blacksheep finished work, follow the same procedure (points 3-4) to sow
You can repeat this procedure for collecting and shaving plants!
For more info beware this video tutorial is in English but we understand well. Blacksheep bot to Farmville
Free! Farmville Magic Tools 1.3 Download
Farmville Magic Tools 1.3 Free Download
Download the new update of Farmville Magic Tools, the famous and fantastic bots that will help you 'to automate your farm on Farmville.
Version 1.3 and 'bot been improved to make this a great way to earn and save valuable time. Compared to version 1.2, these implementations were made:
Harvest from trees / animals improved
Farmville improved detection window
Download FArmville magic it for free here
Read about the features of version 1.2 cc
Farmville tips :What is the fastest way to move up a level in Farmville?

What is the fastest way to move up a level in Farmville?
Like many I too, I love this game called Demon Farmville capable of lobotomized anyone ..
Reached the level 33 in no time, I then figured out how to make some friends were at 5000 points in one day, and it took me a desire to continue ... cmq first one might think, grow vegetables that grow in the shortest possible time, if I'm behind the morning afternoon and evening you can do a lot of experience points, but you can never turn those nn 5000 points a day ...
Who plays there knows that every time we begin to dig you receive 1 point and cultivated vegetables that grow within 24 hours to give you no more than 1 point ..
First we need to calculate how much do we experience points
Cultivating such as soybeans, it costs you 15, if we add the 15 spent on digging that piece of land up to 30 denier for two experience points, now I'll let the first trick.
you just spent 30 cents and got two points, now with the blade lift what you have just grown, and repeat several times ...
Farmville tips is the method that costs you less to get points. 2 points each 30 denier
The other method is to buy the balls of hay will cost 100 denarii and give you 5 experience points, then buy them and then sell them immediately, this method is faster but more expensive. 5 points for every 100 denier
for both methods should still have some money, so you'll have to grow normally ..
Farmville tools
Monday, December 21, 2009
Farmville Tips - Tips few Bring Big Results
Farmville for players who already have a handle on the basic strategy, which does not want to cheat blatantly but I just want a little leg, here are some tips for Farmville make sure your small farm produces great results you, both in terms of gold and XP.
* Find a time-line graphic culture. This chart will tell you how long each culture is growing, how much gold it sells, net income, and how much XP you make agriculture. Preferably, find a chart that shows how much gold an hour you'll end up doing. Tips Farmville be to make the best use of time, you do not play, and you want to have as much gold as possible from every hour you're not playing.
* Make lots of friends! The more friends you have the most popular holdings you can help us on, and the more XP you can get as a result. Like a game of social networking, most promotions and ribbons are available, such as the title of local celebrity and the award of the Good Samaritan, depending on how many friends you have. You can earn money and XP depending on what happens in the farms of other people on their mailing Farmville news feeds.
* A clicking here.of the best advice Farmville boils down to: Time is Money. The trick Hay Bale will allow you to plow and plant seeds without having to wait for your little farmer to move across the field. Just box the farmer with bales of hay, then go about your business. You'll be amazed how much time you save.
* There are countless tips Farmville like this out there on the Internet. If you want a great blog and e-book, which consolidates all the best advice they can be found, just do a quick search on Google, you will find everything that the article did not say and do for your viewing pleasure.
Farmville Guide - How to find the best solution
Farmville is one of the most popular games of the Internet in recent memory. It is hard to think of a game that has captivated the American public and international with the same fervor. Taking advantage of the popularity of Facebook, Farmville Zynga has tens of millions of players around the world. Sometimes when you scroll your live stream to watch tapes of the entire world and events, it seems that everyone play!
So maybe you've decided to give it a try. If ten million people like it, it can not be that bad! After downloading the game, you find yourself on your little patch of earth, who desperately need some kind of Farmville guide to show you the ropes around the world. How do you find the best guide Farmville?
First, you want a guide that balances strategy with specific notes and general advice. Keep in mind, you play this game for fun. Want to know why you do what you do - hence the general advice and guidance. But you also want specific examples of what to do to earn money and XP.
Secondly, you do not want a Farmville guide that tells you just that everybody knows. Want a few secrets that are exclusive to the guide - a secret that, once you know, you do not want to share. Unfortunately, this often means buying an eBook or spending money on something similar.
Finally, beware of sites that rip you off! Do not use a "guide Farmville" which will deposit money instantly into your account, as those are usually scams. One example of scams made national news because it is taking advantage of adolescents' accounts of calling their parents to cells - the teenagers gave their phone numbers now to get gold Farmville, shady companies charged cell phone, and parents got stuck with the bill.
There are many bad guides there, and several good. Make your own research and you will find the guide Farmville who fulfills all the above and will guarantee success.
Farmville Secrets: Great Manual
Farmville is a great pleasure, dependence and gentle game that Facebook members can play. The game gives users a chance to build their own farm from scratch. Users can create buildings, raise animals and grow a variety of cultures. The only drawback is that players need coins to buy these parts and gain can be difficult for a new player.
There are a variety of ways for a player to win all nine pieces while playing Farmville. These methods of raising animals and growing plants, but most new players do not know which animals or produce will be profitable. Without a new player tips Farmville can multiply quickly frustrated because they lack money while watching the success of other farms with ease.
One way to learn the ins and outs of Farmville is to find a guide that explains in detail Farmville, but that is easier said than done. There are many guides on the Internet claiming to offer Farmville information that is "guaranteed to work." Unfortunately, most of these books are filled with useless information and only relatively few strategies. In many cases, these "guides" can not explain how to enroll in Farmville and the basics of reading Farmville.
Farmville Secrets is a guide that completely breaks the mold. It provides useful information on how to turn a small farm into a thriving plantation. Methods Farmville share secrets are 100% legitimate and completely legal. This guide does not promote the use of bots, spam, or any other software that could make you completely banned from Farmville. Instead, it focuses on tried and true methods known only to a few players who can help you earn money and level quickly.
If you are someone who is sick of wasting money on guides that promise and do not provide it's time to check the secrets Farmville. With the help of the tactics explained in Farmville secrets, you'll be able to maximize your gaming experience Farmville Secrets will help you quickly master levels and gain ownership while increasing your income Farmville literally overnight.
Farmville Secrets: Great Manual
Farmville is a great pleasure, dependence and gentle game that Facebook members can play. The game gives users a chance to build their own farm from scratch. Users can create buildings, raise animals and grow a variety of cultures. The only drawback is that players need coins to buy these parts and gain can be difficult for a new player.
There are a variety of ways for a player to win all nine pieces while playing Farmville. These methods of raising animals and growing plants, but most new players do not know which animals or produce will be profitable. Without a new player tips Farmville can multiply quickly frustrated because they lack money while watching the success of other farms with ease.
One way to learn the ins and outs of Farmville is to find a guide that explains in detail Farmville, but that is easier said than done. There are many guides on the Internet claiming to offer Farmville information that is "guaranteed to work." Unfortunately, most of these books are filled with useless information and only relatively few strategies. In many cases, these "guides" can not explain how to enroll in Farmville and the basics of reading Farmville.
Farmville Secrets is a guide that completely breaks the mold. It provides useful information on how to turn a small farm into a thriving plantation. Methods Farmville share secrets are 100% legitimate and completely legal. This guide does not promote the use of bots, spam, or any other software that could make you completely banned from Farmville. Instead, it focuses on tried and true methods known only to a few players who can help you earn money and level quickly.
If you are someone who is sick of wasting money on guides that promise and do not provide it's time to check the secrets Farmville. With the help of the tactics explained in Farmville secrets, you'll be able to maximize your gaming experience Farmville Secrets will help you quickly master levels and gain ownership while increasing your income Farmville literally overnight.
A History of Farmville Facebook Game
The most popular Facebook online game ever, Farmville Facebook struck as a hurricane and do not go back. Started only in June 2009, Farmville Zynga has 63.7 million active users from November 2009, everyone in the world. Zynga, a company of free online games, specializing do what seemed impossible just a few years ago: a lot of money with free games. Farmville is now a business of several million dollars.
Everything happened so fast that it is difficult to understand exactly why Farmville has become so popular. One thing is certain: without Facebook, Farmville could not have gotten too big. Facebook, the joke is that the Internet "uncool". That is to say, with the rise of Facebook, suddenly young people not only to spend hours of their life on the computer. Facebook is a platform that everyone can enjoy all ages and all walks of life, from teenagers to grandparents.
Zynga has benefited from the exceptionally broad market and meet a friendly, addictive, application of simple game where you take care of a virtual farm. It uses the same things that have made Facebook popular: community development, the feeling that things still occur, and massively increase word-of-mouth. Scrolling through the live feed and see events Facebook friends Farmville has done more than anything to bring new players in.
In addition to the billions of virtual plants Farmville has generated a global economy with Facebook Farmville guides, tips and tricks has "emerged" to enjoy the hype. As new people to games and the Internet represent a significant portion of players Facebook Farmville, easy to read e-books are a lot of (real) money and purchases become very popular for occasions such as birthdays and even the holiday season. One of these e-book has been very successful, and many others are also catching on.
Farmville Guides: What Gold Farming Guides Tell Beginners Get a lot of gold without the stress?
It would be safe to say that beginners are more concerned with learning the game than actually thinking of quests to get cheap products, or even amass a fortune in WoW gold. This is one reason why many of them begin to lose interest later in the game - do not get what they want if they leave entirely.
One of the most important missions in World of Warcraft is to get as many WoW gold as you can. Gold Farming may seem simple at first, but it is actually quite difficult. After several days of killing monsters and looting booty, you've found it is actually very slow.
An appointment-rich-quick scheme is to choose to kill the monsters that give you the most profit. One advice guides gold farming is a scout price of items in Auction House to see what the market trend. That's right, knowing what the players need, you can easily divert your energy to find and bashing monsters drop items that they will pay any price to get their hands on it.
Another tip guides gold farming is to become a businessman in World of Warcraft - and no, not another character class. The concept here is simple, buy cheap and sell for a higher price.
There are many items for sale and Auction House prices are very competitive. Use a little of your hard earned money online to buy specific items that are important to the sale at a lower price and sell off at a higher price.
Last but not least, you can try to start collecting items. Who knows, one of the common drops you got could hundreds of dollars of gold on the market after a few days when it is used in quests or other reasons why players to buy. Just loot all the monsters and keep them in storage. A market for your items may appear in the future that spells more gold for you.Farmville Guides:
Saturday, December 19, 2009
5 Easy Steps to Easy Level up on FarmVille :
Farmville Guides : The quickest way to level up is easily by planting berries. By Continually planting strawberries you get (If you have a 12 * 12 farm) 288 Exp Every 4 hours. This is the very fast way.
But obviously this is mainly used at the weekend unless you can check your farm and spend 20 minutes harvesting, plowing and planting. Naturally - if you're in it for the levels and not the money - you can plow as much land as possible and Continually grow them. Alternatively, pumpkins are the next alternative Rice Or if you spend a full 11 hours at work.
Naturally, wanting fast levels means you wish to spend money on it. Buildings yield a lot of experience - however will cost you a large amount of your money.
Another method is to leave a section of your farm empty, and plow the area. Delete the Patches. And plow again, as many times as desired. Or step-by-step method of easy level up on Farmville:
Step 1
Save as much land as possible on your farm to plant new crops. Avoid buying any buildings or objects that will get in the way of plowing new fields.
Step 2
Plow as many fields as you can. You will earn 1 XP (or experience points) for every field you plow. You need these XPs to advance and level up in The Game.
Step 3
Plant raspberries. You can harvest them every 2 hours in Farmville Allowing you to plow and harvest several times in one day if you can. Each time you plant seeds in 1 field, you will gain 1 XP (or experience) point for raspberries and other crops that take less than 1 day to harvest. Remember though, you can harvest them several times per day Which XPs will earn you more than if you were to plant crops that harvest in 1 day.
Step 4
Add Farmville neighbors. Farmville The more neighbors you have, the more opportunities you will have to earn XPs. Each time you work at a neighbor's farm, you will earn 5 XPs and 20 coins. You can work at each person's farm once per day.
Step 5
Expand your farm. When you have enough coins to do so, expand your farm so that you are able to plant even more crops at a time, earning you more XPs to advance in The Game.
Farmville Secrets E-Books Reviews

Farmville Secrets E-Books Reviews
Farmville The Ultimate GuruSharesthe secret tactics
You can legally use and master in his Own way
the principle of Facebook,
Agricultural Growth
Speed of light. Guaranteed 100% - With the latest updates!
How do I send my character, the villa is $ 1,000,000 (three of them), Maxed my money Farmville, tons Plus won every belt planters, harvesting and tractors and more than $ 1,200,000 in cash remaining. .. and how you can too!
The Original Farmville Secrets Strategy Guide!
100% legal and totally hack-free technical
There is no limit to how high you can go!
Free upgrade included!
The mastery of the techniques currently in The Game!
This is not a membership site (no monthly fees!)
When You Get Your Copy of the FarmVille Secrets Guide Today, Here are Just Some of the Things You Will Learn:Why 99% of players are using the worst methods to build their farm and how to avoid making the same mistakes!
Essential tips to building the ultimate farm. Extremely effective ways for lower level players to earn money and points fast, even if you're just getting started.
How I was able to get dozens of neighbors to join me in just 2 hours using these secret tactics! (this is so simple once you learn it)
The secrets pros use to track their crops. You can be guaranteed to never have to worry about your crops rotting again. Yes, it's possible!
The story of one beta tester who achieved level 18 in 5 days using only the secret tactics found here, and how you can do the same. These tactics will make your head spin the moment you discover them!
Exactly what you should plant and when to make the biggest profits (this often brings a huge profit in a short period of time)
A Step-by-step guide to show you how to master every level at break neck speed
How to optimize your farm layout to guarantee fast harvesting and eliminating withering of your crops.
How you can double your FarmVille money overnight and completely on autopilot. Be blown away by seeing how easy it is!
How to get items that everyone wants and needs but can't easily get- but you will once you get your hands on this guide!
How to maximize the money earned from growing your crops and avoid wasting your precious time.
The simple way to quickly grow your neighbors without bombarding your friends list with a million invitations - this will blow you away!
and much more...
You too can now have more money to: Get Your Villa- I've already purchased a Villa as my home... have you? Get it now!
Get Your Windmill and Greenhouse - Never again be embarrassed about your farm!
Own All Vehicles - Get the Tractor, Harvester and Seeder AND be able to pay for the fuel refills easily!
Buy All Animals - Fill your farm with hundreds of animals and watch them roam!
Raise Your Level- And expand your farm to a Plantation!
And so much more...
Farmville Secrets Dowload Here!
How to Make More Money on Facebook FarmVille ?
To get the most money from his farm in Farmville want is not always more expensive to plant the seed you can. The seeds that give the greatest amount of cash listed in the cultivation of the best quality / price / time "at the top of the page.
Highest give the best price - Allowing you to expand, but also buy more seeds. This method is for those who do not care about leveling slowly and are willing to quit this addictive game for the day at a time.
Some seeds such as peppers, rice and squash are the best benefits for the time they are planted (Best price per day) as well - To get an extra boost in money, see the "Help" section
Finally, the achievements recently published (see section) gives big money!
Tomatoes are now the best thing to the ground. The harvest in 8 hours and made a profit of 58 coins each.
What does the FarmVille Tractor do?

What does the FarmVille Tractor do?
The Farmville Tractor Trial squares Write to plow four at a time. Furthermore, there is no need to wait for your individual foot squares, in order to do so, as is normal When they plow. If you earn the same number of experience points (one for each square) and the cost is the same (15 coins per square). The only difference is if they earn experience points to four to four and if you remove Sixty coins at a time.
One disadvantage is the greatest use gas tractor. When you buy the tractor, it comes with a lot of fuel. I think it takes fuel to plow every square, but I'm not entirely sure. When it runs out, you can purchase more goods from gas, but that the costs DOLLARS Farmville, What you have to buy with the money of the real world. The other option is to wait. Each half minutes because The Game will give you a small amount of more fuel.
For the cost of 30,000 Moneta, Farmville allow the tractor to plow VI 2 × 2 section at a time as opposed to a
single frame at a time without the tractor.
Come with the elements in The Game, the purchase of Their rewards you with XP.
Farmville tractor they are helped crops and vegetable crops. All it does is to help plow the fields.
Friday, December 18, 2009
How to saves money&time from clearing rotted crops.(Farmville Secrets Tips)

(Farmville Secrets Tips) How to saves money&time from clearing rotted crops.
Farmville Guides
:The crops grow and mature at different times. No way to stop the growth of crops, while you're away from your computer. Vegetable crops that require more time to grow, when you going to build a roster for a while '.
If you plan to stay away from the computer for 8 hours to try planting tomatoes, pumpkins, or sugar cane. All items are available at different levels and that can really make a difference in the fruit rotten. This saves time and money for clearing rotting crops
How to increase Speed in Farmville Facebook with Easy!

How to increase Speed in Farmville Facebook
Clear a section in its field of parcel you must create a section of land in Nice, only the grass on it. Nine points clear in training. Now, 'walk' their people at the center of this section.
Go to the market, buying the cheapest fence, and set up fences around the person. After attaching four obstacles you need to convert two of them. You can click on the fence when it is placed and deflect. This effectively block the person and now you can plow and sow much faster.
This trick is super close at hand if you have a lot of space to plow and plant. If you use other elements to lock in his person, he or she will walk along the perimeter and proceed to plant or plow.
The Best! Farmville Facebook Secrets & Strategy

Farmville Facebook Secrets & Strategy
Hey. I just finished working on a new site called Facebook secrets Farmville and a strategy that is basically a gateway to an incredible calledFarmVille Farmville assistant Strategy Guide. Farmville led me out from the rest of the mortgage strategy, with the exception of Farmville Secrets (many say that is number one), which enters the incredible detail on what exactly you must do to master Farmville Facebook.
Now the people behind Facebook Farmville are a bit 'hot deal of ads that people have clicked to get some coins Farmville but also very misleading in a number of forms that apparently lead to a nasty court battle. Facebook upper Farmville strategy guides will show you how to leverage their currencies amounts without having to waste time with ads or pay someone to open your bank account.
The funny thing is on Facebook Farmville secrets that are more similar to a strategy or a technique typical of his trap. There are people that have a number of so-called Farmville cheat codes and trainers who are called to make your business to operate, but most likely will result in termination of your account, the stolen information and knows what is going to invade 'the computer.
Now the people behind Facebook Farmville are a bit 'hot deal of ads that people have clicked to get some coins Farmville but also very misleading in a number of forms that apparently lead to a nasty court battle. Facebook upper Farmville strategy guides will show you how to leverage their currencies amounts without having to waste time with ads or pay someone to open your bank account.
Facebook site Farmville secrets and strategy of the site was created using Rubix as part of the wide range of programs that you get when a wealthy affiliate member Wau is also my hosting account. I'm in the middle of an update so that it could not upload pictures right now, but I hope that you will do tomorrow.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Farmville Secrets Revealed! 2010
Farmville Secrets Revealed! 2010
Farmville has become the most popular game application on Facebook, with 56.1 million active users in October 2009. Farmville is a farm real-time simulation game available as an application on the social networking site Facebook.
The game allows Facebook members to manage a virtual farm planting, cultivating and harvesting crops virtual, trees and animals. Since its launch in June 2009.
Farmville Secrets Revealed! The crops grow and mature at different times. No way to stop the growth of crops, while you're away from your computer. Therefore, crops that require more time to grow when you go to bed or away form the computer for long periods. This short time saves time and money clearing rotting crops. Most secret Farmville soon!
How to Rich Farmer on Farmville #3

How to Rich Farmer on Farmville #3
• Another way to earn some "parts is to visit your home page with Facebook and check if one of your friends have recently won a ribbon. Here you can get a bonus from them. The best band you most parts.
• If you are looking to make money, you can visit a neighbor and lend a hand to clean up weeds, raking leaves or scare away crows. He earns a little extra money and practical experience in this way.
• Fields Bigger course, you will plant more, it will be much more profitable. However, to achieve this, you must have lots of friends (called neighbors). For example, you must have at least eight neighbors to extend its activities to a 14x14 lot, or better, 10 neighbors who will give you a lot 16x16. Of course, more neighbors, the largest country may, therefore, more profit.
As we have seen, just like in real life, agriculture can be an exciting hobby, but it takes time and dedication. However, just like the real agricultural profession, you must use cunning strategies to make the most of your culture.
Farmville Secrets Reveal 2010 Next Articles!
How to rich farmer on Farmville #2

How to rich farmer on Farmville.
Farmville Secrets Tips
• Increase livestock such as chickens, cows and sheep, can be fun, but ultimately there will be much richer. However, the advantage is that, unlike the cultures should not be bad and do not require much care.
• quick profits raspberries are the best options that mature in less than two hours to earn a few coins 46 Good. Blueberries may take a little "more, but the wait worth it because ultimately, you win 91 coins. Other good choices are strawberries ripen in four hours, which saves 35 pieces.
• Trees that grow and do not make you rich, but will be there for you, without drying out. For example, trees growing cherry requires two days for a gain of only 18 coins, apple trees will take three days for 28 coins and lime take 5 days to 75 pieces.
• the acquisition of buildings may be achieved more quickly at a higher level and, consequently, progress in the game. However, ultimately, they will just sit there and not make any profit.
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Farmville Secrets :How to rich farmer on Farmville

"How to rich farmer on Farmville"
Recipe for success in this game much loved
Being a farmer requires time, dedication and patience. You have to grow, watch them grow crops and at the end of the harvest. This does not happen at night, naturalmente.Tutto what is happening today in Farmville, the new video game that is attracting thousands of players around the world, courtesy of Facebook. Farville secrets
In virtual enterprise in Farmville, get crops to grow very rapidly. You get to grow strawberries, raspberries, rice, eggplant, corn, soybeans, squash and more. However, as any farmer noted, must be consistent. In other words, you should go ahead or if it is dry, miserable country. It is therefore a game for those who have enough time to save. You can plant strawberries and leave for a full day of work. If you work full time, the best option is to choose something that matures slowly so as not to have unpleasant surprises.
See How to rich farmer on Farmville next Post!
Farmville Secrets

Farmville Secrets ( Farmville Cheat Code) are available for coins, money and experience. Browsing through Farmville tricks to the next page. Links to other crooks Farmville included on this page. Included in this page are speed limiters with the fastest growing crops.
Farmville is a social game developed by Zynga, and available in social networks and iPhone.Published in June 2009, has become one of the most popular applications on Facebook, receiving 10,000,000 users in less than a month. This is one of the most popular games in the wider system of social networking in the world.
This MMORPG game, you can purchase the property in a good way. You learn to plow, plant, harvest his crop, and help their neighbors in this friendly game. This game is for people of all ages, and is easy to learn. Yes, players are some tips and advice with the strategy to use for everyone.